Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ecuametal 2011

I am a gringa who is in love with the music scene of a small country far from my home. Throughout the years, I cannot stay away. The people captivate me, the music moves me, and I am addicted. Addicted to the people, the music, the place. I come here with respect, and with respect I take you with me.

Soy una gringa que se enamoró de una escena de musica de un pais pequeño, muy lejos de mi casa. Con los años, no puedo estar lejos. La gente me cautiva, la musica me mueve, y soy adicta. A la gente, a la musica, y a lugar. Vengo aqui con respeto, y con respeto los llevo conmigo.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Browns Game!

I took the opportunity to go to a Browns game that last time I was in Cleveland. These following images are from the amazing tailgating before the game in Muni Lot, and from wandering around the stadium talking and laughing with people. You may asked if I watched the game or not, but that is not what's important. The important thing was making connections with strangers and feeling that open warmth that the Cleveland peeps are so good at offering.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Seattle 2007

Monday, September 26, 2011

Aurora, September 2011

I've been photographing along Aurora Road (WA State Highway 99) for the past few years. The road used to be the main highway going north and south through Washington State to Vancouver BC. I started documenting the area as a part of a class photographing the motels along the old freeway. This project has opened up to be an ongoing look of a place that I consider to be the last frontier in Seattle. Many of the hotels have been converted to apartments, and many of these tenants have fascinating stories that they are more than willing to share. I consider telling their stories with words to be an impossible task, therefore I allow my camera to do the talking for all of us.